Rider Updates
Mar 2 2012
The race is taking place in Dacono, Colorado and IMI motorsports complex! Looking forward to getting this going!
Jan 12 2012
i was racing the open beginner class down in Colorado Springs, at Aztec raceway. The track officals were running a 2 gate format, with open novice on the first gate and open beginner on the second. My first moto, the gate droped and i was third off the gate and into the first corner. The guy in second went wide and i tried to take him on the inside. He cut me on cause my front tire to meet his back tire and all i knew was i was flying through the air over my handlebars. My bike was still running and i was able to pick it back up and take off. I worked my way back up to forth for the first moto. Second moto came and when they dropped our gate late due to some novice class guys going down in the second turn. I didnt have the best start on this gate, maybe 7th off the line. Second turn came and there was a pile up in from of me that i just could not avoid. I rammed into the back of the pile and lost my balance and fell ove. At this point i was pannicing. I got up and took off. Little did i know until the race was over was that i had passed everyone in the class. I had no idea i was out in front since they started our gate so late, that the novice and beginner class and kind of blended together. It was so awesome to get off the track and check my standing to see that i went 4-1 for the overall for the day!
Jan 12 2012
After winning my first moto for my overall, i was chomping at the bit to get back out there and try to do it again. 2 weeks after my last win i was back at Aztec Raceway in Colorado springs lined up at the gate. I had to carry my momenntum of the last win into this race.. 30 second board went sideways and the gate dropped. I took the holeshot by storm and was able to hold on to it for the entire 6 laps. second gate dropped, and once again i was holeshotting the second moto. this time it wasnt as easy as the first moto, i had second place rider all over me, he would show me a wheel here and there but i would beat him to and out of the corners every time allowing me to go for my first 1-1!