Personal History
2005 E. Boston St. Chandler, AZ 85225 / Cell: 602-552-6418 / Email:
My name is Tyler Griffith and I started riding motocross at the age of 4. I have tried to travel most of my life throughout different states as money permitted; racing local, Regional and National events,and have had great success in doing so. I transitioned to 250cc and 450cc Pro class in 2013 and began the year in what I feel to be a successful beginning. Using stock bikes, I have successfully surpassedothers who have been fortunate to have factory and mod machines. I unfortunately had to put my racing on hold due to injuries and all while pursuing my current career in public safety. However, I am the most prepared I have been in my racing career and wish to continue to fulfill my dream of racing in the professional supercross and motocross ranks.
Riding Goals
GOALS / PLANS 2020 - 2021
My future plans are to maintain consistency in my racing. I have shown what hard practice, training and great support can do and will continue with the training for the 2020/2021 rookie season. My plansfor the future are to attend AMA Pro/AM events to earn Pro points to earn my professional license to race outdoors in 2021-2022. In addition, I Intend to race local events here in Arizona and selected WORCS races for the remainder of the year and into 2021.
Competitive Highlights
Arizona, E.T. Moto Park
Arizona Championship Part
One First Place - 85cc (age
Arizona, E.T. Moto Park
Arizona Championship Part
Two First Place - 85cc (age
Arizona Pima Moto Sports Park
First Place - 85cc (age 12-13)
Arizona, Speed World MX
Park First Place - 85cc (age
Arizona, Pima Moto Sports
Park First Place - 85cc (age
Arizona, Pima Moto Sports
Park 8th Place - 85 (age
14-16) stock
Arizona, E. T. Moto Park
AMX State Championship
Series First Place - 85cc
(Age 14-16)
Arizona, Canyon MX Park
Third Place - 250
Arizona, Kingman Whiplash Racing First Place - 85cc Stock
Arizona, Grinding Stone
First Place - 85cc Stock
First Place- 85cc Mod
Arizona, Grinding Stone
First Place - Grand Prix
Race - 85cc Stock
Arizona, Speed World MX
Park First Place - 85cc (age 12-13)
Arizona, Verde Valley MX Park First Place - 85cc Stock (age 12-13) First Place - 85cc Mod (age 12-13)
Arizona, Speed World MX
Park Ponca City Qualifier
First Place - 85cc Stock
First Place - 85cc Mod
Arizona, Grinding Stone
Grand Prix First Place - 85cc Stock First Place- 85cc Mod
Arizona, Verde Valley MX Park First Place - 85cc Stock (age 12-13) First Place - 85cc Mod (age 12-13)
Arizona, Speed World MX
Park Ponca City Qualifier
First Place - 85cc Stock
First Place - 85cc Mod
Arizona, Arizona Cycle Park
Loretta Lynn's Area Qualifier
5th Place - 85cc Stock (age
12-13) 6th Place - 85cc Mod
(age 12-13)
California, Glenn Helen Moto Park
Loretta Lynn's Regional Qualifier 18th
Place overall - 85cc Stock 19th Place
overall - 85cc Mod
Arizona, Grinding Stone
MX First Place - 85cc
Stock First Place- 85cc
Arizona, Speed World MX
Park Ponca City Qualifier
First Place - 85cc Stock
First Place - 85cc Mod
Oklahoma, Ponca City Grand
National Championships
Second Place - 85cc (Age
Arizona, Arizona Cycle Park
Arizona State Championship
Series Second Place - 85cc
(age 14-16)
Utah, St. George Moto Park
10th Pro / AM - 250 Open A
Arizona, Arizona Cycle Park
Western PRO / AM - 250A 15th overall
Western PRO / AM - Open A 15th overall