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Personal History

I got my first bike in November 2006, it was a TTR90. at the time I wasn't sure about the riding thing, but after riding for just a short time, things started clicking. My "step dad" took me to the local track on a practice night and before I knew it I was signed up for the first race of the 07 sesson. I raced only 14 out of the 21 scheduled races and still placed 4th overall. I've now been riding a YZ85 since August, and although it was a big jump, I've spent a good amount of time on it and feel very comfortable and confident on it. I'm looking forward to the new season, and I am planning on attending all the races (I hope).

My parents support me fully and say they will continue as long as I continue to hold good grades, right now I have a 3.8 GPA and am taking two high school classes with the others being honors classes. I know keeping good grades is the only way to get a good job so school comes before the bike (but it's a close second).

I'm starting to listen to John (my step dad), he told me early on that if I get into racing (and do the best I can), the girls would take notice. At the time I thought he was a perv, but I'm starting to see what he's talking about. My mom has also helped out by keeping me in cool clothes like fox, No Fear, & Quicksilver. I found this is helpful off the track, and when I get older I hope be able to get a cool unbrella girl like the big guys!!!

Riding Goals

This year I'm going to try to end the season with a podium spot. I'm pretty sure I could do it in the beginners class bcause this is the first year on an 85, but I've been told if I do good they will bump me up the novice class after the first 4 or 6 races. All I can do is the best I can and practice as much as I can. I also have to continue to do good in school, I go to High School next year so I'd like to finish this year with high honors.

Competitive Highlights

I like to win, I like being better than the guy next to me, soccer, fishing, track, little league, what ever. I haven't gotten to the point of doing what ever it takes to win, I've never tripped anyone up to get a head. If I screw up and lose a spot, I try that much harder to get it back. I know there are good riders around me so I watch the fast ones and try to keep up with them on practice nights. At this point as long as I'm having fun and doing my best I'll be ok will the results, It's worked so far!