Personal History
My name is Tedd Byers i'm 10 years old.I live in Ohio and ride a (currently stock) crf150r and stock crf80f. I do not have a LOCAL track. The closest track is about an hour away so i just ride in a feild in north-east Ohio.I currently have no sponsor and i am soon hoping to get one. I think I have a pretty good riding style. I ride like Adam Cianciarulo mixed with Cooper Webb and Barcia (I rev like Barcia).My hobby is playing video games (motocross is more like a fun career to me).My favorite magazine is transworld mx.My favorite bike out of the ones i have is the crf150r of course.I am basically addicted to motocross.
the end...
Riding Goals
My goals are to race with Cooper Webb and Adam Cianciarulo int the super mini class.
Competitive Highlights
Well, i got a tragic 4th place because i doubled and fell on the next double and ended up with 8th on the first moto... And got second on the second moto. Before that I got two 3rd place finishes and a fifth place on the first race of the season