About Me
Hi, my Name is Teal Schmidt, I am 19 years old and got into motocross last year. ever since I got a dirt bike, ive tried to be on it everyday. I build an arena track outdoors and put lights around it so I can ride day or night. So...
Rider Updates
Just rebuilt my 2010 RMZ 450, I also got brand new plastics and graphics for it. Its going to be a pretty sweet bike and its already very fast! ill be honest, Im not an incredible racer. I've been in 5 races so far and won two of them and placed in two more, Im just a novice rider but Im very short on money after rebuilding my bike after last race. I had a good race going and went harder then my ability is and wrecked. So now that's its finally back together, I have nothing to enter races. If there is anybody that would consider sponsoring me that would be greatly appreciated. I am a very good spokes person and will get you name out there and let everyone know how supportive you are and show them the products you sell. Teal Schmidt