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Tanner Wolfrum

Tanner Wolfrum

Age 26
Location Eagle Bridge, NY, US
Rider # 236
Site Rank 18456
My Link
Classes Enduros, Hare Scrambles, Motocross

About Me

I took my first solo ride on a PW 50 when I was 2 years old, I was really good at cranking the gas, but had no idea what a brake was and ended up crashing. I didn't get back on a dirt bike by myself until I was 5....

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Rider Updates

In 2010 I won the 85cc 7-11 AMA East Coast Hare Scramble Championship, and was invited by AMA to the awards banquet in Las Vegas where I received my #1 plate.  I also competed in the NETRA Hare Scramble Championship series and ended the season 6th overall in the Mini class.  In 2011 I decided to compete in the NETRA Hare Scramble and Jr. Enduro Championships.  I competed in the Mini class, and I have won both Championships for the 2011 season. 

Race Results

Date Event Class Place
Nov 23 2011 --
Aug 21 2011 Snorkel Ru Hare Scramble 4th
Jul 31 2011 Rocky Mountain Hare Scramble 2nd
Jul 30 2011 Rocky Mountain Jr. Enduro 1st
Jun 19 2011 Laurel City Hare Scramble 1st


Date Event

