Rider Updates
Aug 30 2008
Dec 17 2007
Dec 17 2007
Jan 7 2007
First race of the season and bump in class. I was running first in the secind moto and hit slick spot on jump and went off side ways......abovr wasa the result. Out for a couple weeks but I will return...so watch out!
Dec 3 2006
race on Dec 3, 2006, Track was good condition but still kinda slippery. 2nd in first moto, again...but finished first in the second to take 1st overall.
Nov 19 2006
Great race this week, I had a bad start in the first moto, got ran into and laid it down. But got back up and finished 3rd out of 11. In the second moto I got the hole shot and kept it the entire race. Finished 1st overall. Gotta Love it...had to earn that one...