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Jan 4 2014

SGMX open practice in St. George Utah. Long drive but way worth the great weather and amazing riding.

Nov 1 2013

2013 RMX OUTDOOR SERIES- 3rd overall in the Lites Novice class, and 5th overall in the schoolboy class for the year.

Dec 8 2009

I placed 1st overall 3 times this weekend and one 2nd place. I was able to bring home the win in two moto's in supermini, (up against a FAST teenage racer!)

Sep 5 2009

Alot of Top racers came out, for the BIGGEST RACE ever held in Utah!

Sep 5 2009

This Track was Huge! Big jumps and LONG moto's! Lot's of TOP Racers from all over.

Aug 19 2009

I had a good night of racing Friday Night at Rocky Mountain Raceways. I was out front in 85 7-11 until I hit a BIG rut and went down pretty hard in the 1st moto. I was able to get back up, and finish in a good position. I finished 1st in 2nd moto, which placed me 1st overall!

      I placed 1st in Supermini in BOTH 1st and 2nd moto's. This was the first time at Rocky Mountain Raceways, that I finished 1st Overall in supermini, up against the BIG TEENAGERS!


Jul 30 2009

I have raced alot this year, and have podiumed in most of my races. I race in the Top 85 classes, and have moved up to a Supermini bike, (for the Supermini class) It has helped out and I am now battling the top supermini racers for first place now!

    I have recently turned 12 years old now, and am excited to see how far I can go on my 85 and 100!


Mar 26 2009

    I looked foward to the Utah Wintercross Series again this year. It's the only race series that I know of in Utah that holds a indoor WINTER series. There are alot of the top riders from the region, who come! I raced in the 85 7-11 division and the 85 open divison. I placed 1st overall in 85 7-11 and 5th Overall in the 85 open. I had alot of good wrecks with the older tenagers, and learned alot while riding beside them.

Sep 19 2008

    I fell a good one durning my last race at Rocky Mnt. Raceways, I was able to get back on my bike,( before they came to check me out.) I finished the race.

    I also raced my last Supermini raced and placed 3rd overall (for the night with the BIG BOYS!! ) That placed me 3rd overall for the season with mostly TEENAGERS!!

    I was driving home, and began to feel sick and a bad headache, along with blurry vision!! (I decied to tell my Dad how hard I really fell! After throwing up too many times, on the way home. My Mom took me into the hospitol and they told me I had a grade two concusion! The tests showed everything was ok.

    What a night!

Jun 27 2008

I had a hard night racing! I Wrecked twice in one night. The first race I took the hole shoot and was out in the lead, when I got tangled up with someone while landing the 90 foot Table top!!

    I got taken down, and got a good handle bar in my stomach!! (ALWAYS wear your kidney belt!!!) I was taken off the track, and put in the ambulance to check me out for internal bleeding!

    I was released in time for my Supermini Race! All is Well.

Jun 11 2008

My broken thumb, and hand are feeling better! I love trying to do tricks. I now need bigger jumps to help me get MORE time in the air!!

May 26 2008

    I was out practicing, I hit a BIG kicker table top, landed on my front tire, went over my handle bars, and..... well landed on my hand. I broke my right thumb (down my hand!)

Feb 9 2008

    I placed 1st in both moto's Saturday Feb. 9th in the indoor Utah Wintercross series in Heber Utah. In the 85 7-11 division.

Feb 9 2008

I was proud to show this one to my friends, because this is the top rider in the 85 open division, that I'm blocking off! I was able to hold him off for a little bit. Someday before I'm 14 I hope to race like him!!

Jan 2 2008

On Nov. 30th and December 1st I competed in the Indoor Wintercross series in Heber Utah. There were over 500 riders there and lots of competion! I competed in the 85 B devision and the 85 open devision. I wrecked hard on friday night on the whoops and knocked the wind out of me a good one! (But my collar bone was not reinjured!! I was able to get up and finish the race, but needed new handle bars and plastic. I had a hard night and went down in the 85 open race too, with all the big boys.

    I came back Saturday and placed 6th place in 85B devision (out of 34 racers!!) I made it to the main event in 85 open, but wrecked and placed 13th. (out of 30 racers.)

    It's alot different racing my 85 with the big Boys! But know it's good for me! I hope to learn better control this winter on my 85 and stay up on my BIKE!

Nov 12 2007

After 6weeks and 1 day, of not riding at all, I am so excited to get back on my bikes!! (Even if they are strapped down on the trailer!)

Nov 5 2007

My mom and Dad took the family out for a ride, on a sunny Saturday. They warned me to go slow and no jumping! By the looks of my face what do you think happened?

Oct 22 2007

Overall Point Standings for 2007
This year I raced @ Rocky Mnt. Raceways in West Valley Utah, and @ Desert Peak Arena cross in Toolee Utah.
I was placed 1st in overall point standings in 65 advance and 65 open (at Desert Peak) and 1st overall (at Rocky Mnt.) In 65 open and 65 9-11 with one race left at Rocky Mnt. and 2 left at Desert Peak.
I wrecked hard on a double and came down on my shoulder and broke my colarbone!
I ended up missing the last race and coming in 2nd twice @ Rocky Mnt.( missing 1st by 2 points on one!) I also place 1st and 2nd overall @ Desert peak. (missing 2 races.)
I also raced my KX 85 3 times in 85 Junior and 80 7-11 doing well against the older teenagers. placing in the top 4.
I had a fun year while learning alot and can't wait to heal and start training on my 85 for next season!

Sep 14 2007

My luck finally ran out on Sepember 14th. With 1 race left for both motocross series. I wrecked hard on a big dubble and flipped and came down on my shoulder. On the track I was told I broke my collar bone in half.
My parents always told me it's not IF you get hurt it's only WHEN! I was placed in 1st in 65 open & 65 9-11 @ Rocky Mountain Race Ways, I was also placed 1st in Desert Peck Arena Cross in 65 open and 65 Advance.
I wish it could of happened a week later! What bad timming!
In 6 weeks I plan to be fully healed, and training for my 85 next season!!

Jun 29 2007

I hope to clear this jump soon! I almost made it a few times.

Jun 29 2007

This was a night I will always remember. I met Travis Patrana, and he gave me a high five after my last race of the night.
This was the frist time at Rocky Mnt. Raceways that I placed first overall in both my divisions. (65 9-11 and 65 open!)
What a night!

Oct 28 2006

I took second place at Rocky Mountain Raceways.