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Personal History

Well I used to be sponsored by Scott goggles years a go and a lot more companies. This not just for me my son is in to it big time now I got him a klx 110 and he is running the same races as me and he I running 3rd over all I could not more proud of him. He has never rode a dirt bike before and I took my now how and put it into him. He is going to go along ways. I have him a 85 I am putting together myself and I could use some help for me and for him

Riding Goals

My ridding goals are to keep everything going and to show my boy that a old man can still race. I want to prove to him don't matter how old u r and how old ur stuff is u can still be good as long as he keeps his mind right and just tide smart. I want to train him to be faster then me one day and I know he will be .

Competitive Highlights

I love racing with a bunch of people and a few it does not matter to me. Well it is really competitive when u r racing guys 10 years or younger in ur class and u out run them. I know that get really upset and they also get mad because I have been out so long and how fast I still am.