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Nov 17 2007

Raced AV Motoplex Saturday and what a blast. The track was by far one of my favorites. Lots of different jumps, big, small, triples, doubles, step-ups and step-downs, whoops,,lots of cool stuff. Had real bad starts both motos but worked up to 1st in both motos for the overall win. Has been a great last 4 races going 1st overall 4 for 4.

Nov 10 2007

Went to Milestone MX Ranch for a Saturday race. Not my favorite track but I put together 2 solid moto wins for a 1st overall. Had the experts racing with the Masters and I beat a few of the Masters. Overall a very good day.

Nov 7 2007

Went to Ridgecrest for the 1st time to race the SOCALOTMX fall classic. What a cool track. Saturday we raced 3 motos. I placed 2nd the 1st moto, 1st in the 2nd & 3rd motos for 1st overall. Sunday I placed 1st in both moto 1 & 2. Not many more races left in the 40+ expert class as I will be moving on to the 50+ at the start of the 08 season.

Sep 8 2007

Had a race with the SOCALOTMX club at Perris on the 8th of Sept. I was really excited because I had been practicing there for a few weeks and felt really fast on the track. The track prep was always good and I love the layout. Raceday came and I had a great practice. Felt really fast, ready to go. But then it became dark!!! There lighting system was not too good. I had a very hard time seeing. Pulled a good start, running 2nd for 2 laps,,but I really struggled with seeing the track under the lighting conditions. Night racing I would like but need to have better lighting system. Ended up 7th overall. Had fun but hard to see so my results did not go as planned.

May 15 2007

Raced at 395 Racetown 5-12-07 with SOCALOTMX. Great day for racing. There were 9 40+ experts. 1st moto got off the line in 4th worked into 2nd place the 1st lap. Had a great battle with #29 on a Kawi450. He ended up passing me with 2 to go. Ended up in 3rd. 2nd moto bad start. 7th off the line,,quickly worked up to 3rd place on the 2nd lap. They added two more laps to the moto. Did not get tired but made a mistake got passed on last lap ending up 4th. Overall finish was 3rd. Highlight of day was a 95' ste-up/tabletop I cleared. Awesome. Then after the race I rode with some friends for about 1 more hour of super fun.