Rider Updates
Dec 5 2007
Please if you are enterested in sponcoring me go to my page on http://www.loopd.com/Members/XPRogue/Default.aspx and sponcor me through there or please call me at 303-921-0706 Or Email me at Xpplague@yahoo.com. This is mainly becouse i have just learned that i have to pay $50 to get any sponcors through this site and frankly i cant spend that much for this. But i would still love to sponcor and promote your stuff so please contact. Your voice will be heard! sorry for the inconveance.
Dec 4 2007
I am new to this site and am looking forward to adding sponcors to help win in this upcoming race season. If you have any questions or want to sponcor me or What ever just Send me a message!