Personal History
Hi, my name is Reagan Leigh Blackwell but everyone calls me Rea! I'm 8 years old and in 2nd grade I am also an A student in gifted. I have a personality bigger than I am so my parents say. I love anything that I can get into. I love gymnastics , cheer, and jumping on my trampoline. Racing is something my sister got into and I loved watching so I begged for a bike and now we both ride. I love the feel of trying to take the turns , the jumps, the ripples but most of all I love the friends I make at the track.
Riding Goals
My goal is to ride like my trainer Shane Mills he is a great rider and has taught me well. I reach a new goal every time I'm on the track rather it's a new jump, better turn or just throttling more. I guess my main goal is to give it all I can and reach my best!
Competitive Highlights
I'm not afraid to pass or actually lean in on another rider to get around. I would say that my favorite competitive part is jumping I love to Jump.