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Personal History

My name is Prasun Rovtar, im 17, i live in boulder, colorado. ive been riding dirtbikes since i was ten.  I started racing at the age of 11. My first bike was a XR70, i always enjoyed going to the track for some fun. but late realized i wanted to make the next step into racing.When my family moved a little ways down the road, we had moved in next to a motocross racer. and he would take the time to teach me everything i needed to know about motocross. he let me ride his 50 around and eventually his TTR125, after i got a hold of the whole clutch thing my parents bought me a RM85 adn that thing ripped. 

On newyears of 03/04 i had a major crash, i had ruptured my spleen, and was out for 8 months. i knew it would set me back a little. since then i have grown and realized my mistakes and my good ways.

Riding Goals


Competitive Highlights