Personal History
My name is Pawahnee Jessee Minder. I am 6 years old. I live in Bridgeport, the coldest place in the California. I am in first grade. I have two younger brothers. One is three years old and the other is four months old. They will follow my tracks to be racers like me. This was my first year racing and I had lots of fun. My most favorite sport is to race motocross. I also like to ride on my Heelys. My Dad says I can only race if I do good in school, and I haven't missed a race yet. I like to play softball, soccer, and dance at Pow Wows. I am a jingle dress dancer.
Riding Goals
My goals for the coming year is to practice hard so I can be faster. I will be racing the Sierra Motocross Racing Association Spring Series. I will also be racing in the Golden State Arenacross Summer Series. I would like to race in the Toyota Arenacross local event in Reno, Nevada.
Competitive Highlights
This was my first year of racing, and I loved it. My friend Ian and I race in the same class, and we are both very competitive. We practice and race together, but I was able to finish ahead of him in our Serie, which gives me bragging rights.