Personal History
Hi I am Paul Stephens, i'm 19 and i have been riding dirtbikes my whole life. I grew up in a riding family. My dad raced desert, motocross, hare scrambles, and enduros. I first got on a bike when I was two years old and ever since i have not stopped riding. My first race that i ever competed in was when i was six years old. ever since then i have been racing on and off. I have not been racing as much as I used to due to school and my family being very busy. Although I still race a few races in a series, but have not been able to complete a whole entire series. I am a very active kid. In my freetime i surf, ride mountain bikes, run, workout, swim and just have fun with my friends. I am a kid that needs to be doing something constantly. If im sitting I get bored very fast. Overall I love riding and racing my motorcycle and hope to be ontop in standings this year.
Riding Goals
I plan on competing in many races this year, and come out ontop. This year I am training for the Lorretta Lynns qualifiers and for the Ponca City qualifiers. I hope to compete in both national races. I raced in the Honey Lake lorretta Lynn qualifier last year, but crashed in the first race and resulted in a broken collar bone. This year I have been training much harder and plan on making it to the big show.