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Personal History

I've been racing since I was 8 years old.  I remember first going out to the track and everyone looked at me funny because I was a girl, but then when the day was over, and I had my trophy in my hand, no one stared at me anymore.

Riding Goals

I've taken a few months off to get my head straight.  I've had to make a lot of choices with school and other aspects of my life.  I realized that motocross was my biggest inspiration in life, and I miss it way to much to give it up for anything.  So this year, I'm coming back, and bringing my attitude with me.


My goal is to prove myself this year and work my hardest to make something out what I do so well.  I've heard from many people that I can possibly make a career out of this, but I've always been to shy to do anything about it.  But that's gonna change now.  My overall goal for just this year, is to try and travel as much as possible, and make to some major qualifying races, rather than just riding locally.

Competitive Highlights

My biggest motivation is getting rubbed.  Once I've been rubbed, I don't rub back, I can win with out riding dirty.  But if it need be, I can and will push back.


As for my past racing career, I've won multiple championships.  Maybe not against the guys, but I've won for a tri-state women's and local womens championsips.