Rider Updates
May 11 2018
SInce my last update there's been a lot going on! Had our baby February 20th so I missed the 2nd round of the WORCS series. Got to try and go for redemption in Havasu from my last race that I got 3rd in back in December. I rode like Ricky Bobby, had a top 5 start and let my nerves get the best of me early on in the race. Wound up getting a 15th after a few mishaps with other riders either falling in front of me and leaving me with no where to go, or I was pushing too hard to try and get back the positions I lost. Could've rode smarter, but I wanted the DUB! I woke up Sunday feeling tight and sore from a weird get off that involved me nearly hitting someone dead on in a blind corner, and managed a 9th place which tied my best result for WORCS. Not bad for only being on a bike for 7 months. Yet dissappointing because I've been training and pushing myself, so not getting the results kinda messes with your head a bit.
Late April was WORCS round 5 @ Sand Hollow - I was actually really excited for this race. Showed up for the unclassified site lap Friday with a flat rear tire so I didn't get to go out on the course until the actual race which was a bummer. I pulled a killer start and placed myself in second in the first turn, and took the lead before going under the tunnel which was probably not the wisest choice since I didn't know the track or which direction it was heading in. I wound up getting about halfway up the dunes on the first lap in the lead, hit a rock section and realized I had a flat on my rear tire! Put myself into limp mode to finish the race and get some points although I was hoping to make up some points!
All in all it's been a good learning experience for me to get out and race even if I'm not getting the results I am looking for. It's my first season racing, I hadn't ridden a dirtbike in 17 years so I feel like I'm doin' decent, I still want a top 3 because
Feb 18 2018
Since I've last updated, the motor on my bike has been torn apart and completely rebuilt. Everything is put back together and ready to rip. I also picked up a 270mm front brake kit, a few sets of tires and had some graphics made up along with number plates so my bike will be looking and running on point. I bought a little TTR125 I'm turning into a super moto that I've been dicking around on when it's not too cold out here in Utah while I've been waiting for my 450 to be finished up. I've been training and feeling much better and excited to get out and get some laps in soon and compete.
Jan 21 2018
Since I last updated my profile I've entered the WORCS Race Series for 2018! I'm super pumped to be fortunate enough to race, have a new (to me) and completely rebuilt bike. Looking forward to the races and good times that this year will bring! My first WORCS race was a bit rough racing on a borrowed bike that I had 2 laps on prior to the race, so this is definitely a step forward in the right direction this year. I'd like to thank everyone who's helped get me where I'm at today, my beautiful fiance, my pops who's also my mechanic, ProTaper for keeping me dialed with the best bars and grips, Twin AIr, and EVS! Keep your eye out for # 968 !
I've decided to skip the WORCS opener, my fiance and I are expecting our first child around then!
Dec 15 2017
I headed down to meet up with my dad for the Big 6 Series Finale in Lake Havasu at Crazy Horse Campground to test ride the 2012 Honda CRF450 I picked up before we rebuild the motor bottom to top and top to bottom. Swapped out bars to the ProTaper Windham bend & made some suspension adjustments for the race on Saturday.
Saturday was a little rough and didn't go as planned, but I still had a great time. In the Unclassified laps, the throttle stuck and had to manually be snapped back to get off of the gas. I got it fixed after tinkering with it in time to get one last lap before the Unclassified's were over. The bike felt great.
Come race time, I lined up and had snagged the holeshot after almost wheelie'ing the entire straight to corner. Everyone overshot it and was high on the outside of the berm so I decided to brake early in anticipation of my class doing just that, I squeezed to the inside and pulled a couple bike length lead into the table top and second corner. Lead most of the first lap until the throttle decided to stick on me AGAIN a little more than half way through the first lap. *sigh*.
I decided to finish out the race and to my surprise after not wanting to check the results out of frustration, I placed 3rd in my class.
I'm excited for what's to come! I felt really comfortable on the bike and it's only going to get better from here!
Nov 5 2017
Good news, I stumbled upon a deal on a 2012 CRF450 my dad used to own from my dad's buddy. I'll be picking it up in the next few weeks and getting it dialed in. I will be racing at the AMA District 37 series finale which is the series that my dad has been competing in. I'm up in Utah, but looking forward to escaping the winter cold and getting down to some warmer weather to race. Stoked to be backed by Pro Taper and rep their products on my new machine. Things are looking up and I'm very fortunate to have gotten onto a sick company, get a fuel injected bike and be comfortable on a bike in 3 months !
Oct 28 2017
This past Saturday I went and checked out a track about 2.5hrs from me in Delta, UT called Bunkerhill. This track setup was sick, and the terrain was challenging ! Definitely glad I made the trek out there, because when I went back to my local track I felt better there than I have before even though I was sore and tired from riding the technical track at Bunkerhill the day before.
Ruts were deep and clay like, and the sand was pretty gnarly to try and keep fast lines through. Stayed until I got the boot! Really liked the track lay out and the elevation changes they've incorporated there. It made my day at Jordan OHV on Sunday feel pretty mellow.
Working on selling my bike so I can get a fuel injected YZ450, CRF450 or possibly go to the darkside and get a KTM450 for next year.
Also am looking at doing a few races in the next few weeks, might go race down in Lake Havasu, AZ for the District 37 Finale with my pops, or just stay in Utah and do the Winter National at Mesquite over Thanksgiving. Still throwing the idea around of doing the Saint George MX Winter Series, but as I said I'm trying to sell my bike and get onto something 2013 or newer for next year so I can be a bit more competitive.
Thanks to all who have sent me Sponsorship offers. I will be going through and accepting those that I see myself fitting best very soon!
Oct 16 2017
There's some winter racing coming up that I'm looking to do. I probably won't be able to do every race, but I'm weighing out options for the following upcoming series and events.
Cache Valley MX GP 11/4/2017
St. George MX series kicking off in November
AMA District 36 Lake Havasu Crazy Horse race
Mesquite Winter National 11/23-11/25/2017
Also the WORCS Race Series coming up in February !
Feel free to email me - markk.burnett2@gmail.com
Oct 16 2017
I've been riding Jordan River OHV here in Salt Lake City Utah for about 2 months one or two days a week.
Things that I've been working on :
1.) Cornering through ruts, taking inside and outside lines and switching up when passing people. Getting better with braking into the corner to keep momentum moving and getting on the gas sooner.
2.) Controlling the bike with my legs more so I don't get as gnarly of arm pump ( adjusting bars and levers helped a ton!)
3.) Jumping. Tables are pretty basic and not an issue for me. I'm working on doubles and rhythm sections to help get my lap times down. Funny how in a race I won't think about them and just go for it, but on practice track days, I get in my head so much because I'm trying to be so calculated with it. I do better under pressure for some odd reason.