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May 24 2015

Well, I finally got to ride my YZ250F this weekend down at DOWN SOUTH MX. I had a great time ripping with my buddies. The Suspension on this machine is great! Thanks to my dad and Craig Decker at ENZO for the awesome KYB kit. Its the best I've ever rode. I'm getting pretty comfortable on my bike and looking forward to some great racing coming soon. I'd like to thank PRO CIRCUIT for the support and the new sponsorship they have given me. Id like to thank my other sponsors as well. Thanks to Matrix Concepts, Factory Backing, Twin Air, Stream line Breaks and Controls, Spy Optics & EVS. Thanks again for all the help. Again I'd Like to thank my Dad and my Mom.

Apr 11 2015

Well after Racing the Area LLQ at Van Ways Moto Playground, I decided to change bikes. My dad bought me a 2015 blue & white YZ250F.  I love the way the Yamaha handles and has great power. I been practicing 3 or 4 days a week making adjustments and dialing in my new machine.  I just mailed off the suspension to ENZO and cant wait t get it back. Thanks to my parents and my sponsors. This weekend  I'm off to Houston to watch some Great SX Racing.

Mar 6 2015

Well packing up the camper and getting ready to head to Three Palms in Conroe Texas for a full day of Training tomorrow and the LLQ on Sunday. Should be a Blast and cant wait to Moto with my Bud's.

Feb 9 2015

Well I Had a good practice on Saturday learning the awesome track layout that Vanway Moto Playground provided for a great race. It was a very fun track. I had a pretty decent start but didn't adapt to the track fast enough and on the first moto I found myself in about 5th or so. I felt pretty confident and was having a blast and on the fourth lap my bike stalled and couldn't get it back going. Not what I wanted but tomorrow is a new day. My mechanic says the fuel pump quit working on my 2013 Kawi machine. Thanks to mxsponsors, Spy Optics, EVS, Streamline breaks and levers, Twin Air and Factory Backing.

Feb 7 2015

Went to Desoto Mx last weekend for first Round of the D-19 Championship Series and finished the day with a second overall with 2 second place motos. Thanks to Spy optics, Matrix Concepts, EVS, Factory Baking, Streamline Breaks and Twin Air for all the support and awesome products.

I will be Practicing today at VanWay Playground and Racing second Round tomorrow for the D-19 Championship Series. I will be Traveling to Freestone in March! Can't wait and so pumped to race my second National, hope to see yall there.

Dec 10 2014

Went to GatorBack and put in some great motos. Made top 15 in both classes on both division races. It was truly the best experience I have had on my dirt bike. Thanks to my mom & dad who support me and make it possible for the opportunity to race. Also thanks to Spy Optics, EVS & Streamline Btrakes for the support. Looking forward to a great year of racing with these sponsors backing us. There is a Texas winter series fixing to kickoff and looking forward to racing Freestone, Cycle Ranch and the other big tracks that are lined up. Braapp Braapp,,