Personal History
well i started riding dirt bikes as soon as i was 10 but it was the eletrick ones my mom didnt let me get a gas one after 2 years on thesame lame-o bike my dad decided to get me one it was a trail bike a suzuki dr-z 125L it was all bored out with protaper bars fmf megabomb exaust sobe decals and many more i rode in for about 2 months then my dad got me a new bike becouse he realized i wasnt happy with it i whanted more power he got me a cr 85r i was so happy i was ripping the track untill i fell over a big rut i flip over the bike the bike flipt over me and i got a little scared but as soon as i was confident again i was ripping the trak
Riding Goals
every thing
to be the best
of me
try to keep it pinned more
you cant get better
if you block
your freedom
you just have to do it
you fall you get hurt you get up and continue
Competitive Highlights
if i see some one in front
i will do every thing to pass
i dont care
what happens to him or me
if i come in seccond it's not good enought there is only one winner the 1st
2nd and 3rd are just other chances