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Kaylynn Kotlar

Kaylynn Kotlar

Age 31
Location Sherrodsville, OH, US
Rider # 55
Site Rank 12822
My Link
Classes Motocross

About Me

My name is Kaylynnn Kotlar and I have been racing motocross since I was 6 years old. Me and my family started racing motocross with very little knowlege of the sport since niether of my parents ever raced, but we have made it very far since we began. I have...

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Rider Updates

Hey everyone! Sorry for being silent for a while. My computer and the website weren't working together at all. To fill everyone in over the summer I race the Battle of Ohio Race at Briarcliff Mx and won both motos of the womens class. I also raced the International Can Am at Area 51 Mx in Batavia NY. I won both motos and passed all the way into second through the gate drop before us. The reason not so many local events? Well my dad suffered a bad injury during qualifiers and had to go under a surgery. This was a major set back that blind sided us. He is ok now, but we did miss more local races then we wanted to! Also check out and subscribe to my youtube channel for videos!! My channel is OHIOfiveOH. Thanks for all the help this season, it made a difference.  Kaylynn Kotlar #55

Race Results

Date Event Class Place
Sep 20 2011 Tuscarawas County Fair 1st
Sep 20 2011 Tuscarawas County Fair 1st
Sep 11 2011 OHMX State Championship-Crow Caynon 1st
Sep 4 2011 Area 51 Can-Am 7th
Sep 4 2011 Area 51 Can-Am 1st


Date Event

