Karli Keele
Age | 27 |
Location | Idaho Falls, ID, US |
Rider # | 10 |
Site Rank | 27717 |
My Link | |
Classes | Enduros, Motocross |
About Me
My name is Karli Keele. I am 14, and I race endrance motocross. This is hands down my favorite sport. I am the type of girl who doesn't mind getting a little dirt under my nails. I laugh when girls come to the track with make up on and thier...
Rider Updates
This year I have placed first over all in the Womans A 18+ class, even though I am 14. After recovering from the horrible concussion and whip lash, everything is great. Bike is all clean and put away, and trophies are hung up. This year has been an amazing year racing endro motocross. The track manager asked me if I would be willing to step it up a class for the 2012 racing year, I accepted. Next year I will be racing a lot of of a competitive class, and not to mention..against boys. Can't wait.
Race Results
Date | Event | Class | Place |
Nov 13 2011 | Endro Motocross | 1st | |
Oct 17 2011 | Endro Motocross | 1st | |
Aug 5 2011 | Endro Motocross | 1st | |
Jul 9 2011 | Endro Motocross | 1st | |
Jun 15 2011 | 5 hour Endro Team Race | 2nd |