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Sep 12 2007

Hannegan season has ended will have to wait until next april, i will be riding in 2 more washington state series races in Port angeles Sept 29th and 30th and October 14th after that probbaly indoor until spring not sure if My dad will let me keep riding the 50 or if it will be retired. watch for results!!!! oh and just to plug ritchey racer they are great people and my whole family says if you need anything made embroidered graphics etc look up there web site they are great we have been very impressed at how much involved they are with all the racers!!!

Jul 23 2007

Have been having lots of problems with my 50 it seems to be on its last leg, trying to get in together for the next hannegan race it takes forever to get parts.

May 22 2007

gold star at ward creek was cancelled so will wear brace thursday night at hannegan may 24th