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Personal History

I started riding at the a ge 5. Growing up i did some races here and there, but nothing serious. i was always trail riding with my dad and his buddies. Last year i was talked into going the the track with some of my freinds, and i deciced to go. Ever since then i have been riding motocross alot more and competting in it!

Riding Goals

My riding goals are to race both endurocross and motocross this year. i am going to do some PRO's this year and bigger motocrross events. i race in the C class for motocross and Areanacross. For enducross i am racing in the B class and in a year or two i plan on going to Las Vegas Endrucross  to qualifie for the youth race down there. I would also like to go to Loretta Lynn's and finish in a podium position in a couple of years as well. My main goal is to just have fun if your not having fun with it and enjoy you want work as hard as someone else who wants it.