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Personal History

I've been riding since the age of 9.I'm now 32 and have no thoughts of quitting. I love the sport so much and the people that I've become friends with are awesome. I have been hurt and spent some time hospitalized but the love for the sport keeps me coming back.

Riding Goals

I usually only ride a couple times a week and race a couple times a month. At my age my goal for riding is to just have fun and not put do much pressure on my self to compete. I mean I'm still very competitive but I don't pressure myself to perform like when I was younger and riding everyday and racing all weekend every weekend. I just go out and have fun, and try to win add much as I can haha.

Competitive Highlights

I've won a few local championships in some season series races. Also won the series championship in 2008 and 2010 in the faircross series.