Personal History
Im eightteen a Sinor at WCHS and races motocross as much at i can i have been to five diffrent tracks so far this is my threed year racing. Im moving up from D class and going in to C. Im working on getting a new bike this year there i nuthing wrong with one i got just not many people racing a two strok any more and i kinda feel wierd with everyone els on a four stroke
Riding Goals
I plan on placing in the top five in the 250C points races this year im more cofident and in better shap than last year
Competitive Highlights
I remeber this one race were i was racing this kowi and it was the last lap and the last turn and he tryed to pass me and my hand was numb cuz of arm pump and i looked down and said to myself twist twist and thin the power band kicked in and it was nuting but rust for him till the finish line