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Personal History

I am a hard working hare scramble rider from Minnesota.  I grew up riding a bike and have been racing on the track and in the woods for more than 20 years.  I have been an A rider in the District 23 Hare Scrambles and Enduro series for over 10 years now and look forward to racing each year.  We have a very competitive off-road series in Minnesota, one of the largest in the country.  

I have been a member of one of the largest motorcycle clubs in the Midwest, the Norsemen (, for more than 20 years.  I enjoy being active in the off-road community, the families that compete and help out in these off-road events are some of the nicest, most genuine people.  The spectators are great too and are often out lining the trails in the woods taking pictures and helping C riders in mud holes. 

Outside of racing, I manage an IT department and have a Computer Science and an Accounting degree.  In all aspects of my life, I believe you should enjoy what you do and work hard to be the best at it. 


Riding Goals

I have a new KTM for the 2011 season and will be racing in a new class for me, VET A.  This is a competitive class and I look forward to the challenges that will bring.  I am dedicated to any sport that I put my effort into.

Over the long Minnesota winters, I lift weights, pedal on the trainer, run on the treadmill, and many other workouts to be in the best shape I can be come spring. 

It is my goal to be in the top three in VET A for the year in the D23 Hare Scrambles season, as well as place in the top five at some of the regional OMA races.  

Competitive Highlights

I took a few years off of racing after buying my house in 05', but have been back racing the entire series for the past two seasons. 

2003 - 2nd - 200 A - District 23 Hare Scrambles Series
2003 - 2nd - 200 A - District 23 Enduro Series
2004 - 2nd - 200 A - District 23 Hare Scrambles Series
2009 - 3rd - OPEN A - District 23 Hare Scrambles Series
2010 - 1st - 200 A - District 23 Hare Scrambles Series

I also have been competing in running events to keep in shape for the motorcycle seasons.  I have raced in several races from 10Ks to half marathons and usually end up in the top 25% in my age class. I am also looking forward to doing a few triathlons in the near future.