Personal History
I was born and raised in Iowa Park Texas. I attend Bradford Elementary and have made the "A" Honor Roll in both academics and conduct th eentire school year for each grade. My favorite subjects are Math, Science and of course PE. When I am not racing, I enjoy riding my bike and helping my dad work on my MX bikes and helping around the house. I attend Faith Baptist Church of Iowa Park and I have been with the Royal Ambassadors, youth ministry, for 5 Years. I have a twin sister that is always my cheerleader at the tracks.
Riding Goals
I will train and working hard to be the best motocross rider I can be. For this year I plan on entering as many series races possible such as GNC Best of Texas, GNC Top Texan Series, GNC Nationals, the Blizzard Winter Series, and Texas Series. I will also attend day races such and River Valley Motocross Breast Cancer Benefit Race, AMA AllStar Amateurs, Texas Winter Series, and try for the Texas State Motocross Championship. My ultimate goal is to do my best to qualify on my new 2012 SX 65 for the Loretta Lynn's National and always continue to practice and work hard to imporve my skills and speed.
Competitive Highlights
I started recing competitively late 2010 and 2011 and have done real well for just beginning. I have attended many Motocross Schools and this past summer I spent the summer with my trainer who has taught me so much. I have also attended many day clinics throughout the year; wiht the most recent one with pro rider Will Haun #31 at Oak Hill MX in Texas. I have raced almost every weekend possible and have saced several series since I have started. My series and placings are as follows:
1st plact over all fo rthe 2011 Blizzard Winter Series: two 1st, one 3rd, and one 4th placing
1st place over all for hte 2011 GNC Texas Series: three 1st
Many Day races which has totaled: ten 1st, five 2nd, three 3rd, and two 5th placing