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Rider Updates

Feb 5 2015

Excited about training with Trampas Parker over spring break! 

Feb 2 2015

Don't have another arenacross race for almost a month. hopefully we will have some nice weather so I can at least ride the outdoor track some!

May 15 2014

Got a brand new 2014 ktm 50 sx today! We were tired of mine always having problems at races so we got  a new one! Best day ever! 

May 11 2014

Had a lot of problems with the bike at the beginning of the night last night but we got it running better and went out and finished strong. 2nd and 3rd aren't that bad for having so many problems! Had a good night overall

Apr 27 2014

Haven't got to ride in a while because my bike broke, but my dad got it fixed and I went out and won both classes at rd 3 of the monster energy series! It was a great night and there was a lot of competition! I had a blast!

Apr 6 2014

I raced in round 2 of the monster energy cup series in the 50 cc beginner class and the 50 cc open class. I got first in the open class and then my bike broke during the first moto of the beginner class and I got a dnf then went out the second moto and got first first, so I got 4th overall. Besides my bike breaking it was a great weekend! I can't wait for round 3!!! 

Apr 1 2014

Can't wait to start the monster energy series this weekend! Hopefully the weather doesn't get too bad


Mar 26 2014

I was on the front page of my hometown newspaper today! How cool is that?

Mar 25 2014

Just got out of school. Hoping to get a few practice laps in today!


Mar 24 2014 Check out the video from my win at the championship round of the Liquid Nitro Arenacross! It was my first time to ever race!

Mar 22 2014

Practiced at River Valley Raceway for the first time this weekend! Can't wait for the Monster Energy Series to start next month!