Fredrik Forsgren
Age | 33 |
Location | Gävle, CA, SE |
Rider # | 43 |
Site Rank | 9872 |
My Link | |
Classes | Arena Cross, Motocross, Supercross |
About Me
I'm 17 years old since June and this years is my first year in the junior class (ages between 16 and 20 years). I started to drive motocross when I was 4 years old and in the beginning it was just for fun but now it's more than fun, it's...
Rider Updates
In the first moto I getted the badest start ever. I was the last rider through the first corner but on the second lap I was in the 11th place. The qualifyrace was going for about 6 laps so I had 4 laps to go when I was on the 11th place. When it was two laps to go I was up in the lead and won the qualifyrace.Before the final moto it started to rain and the track was very slippery. I was about 6th 8th place in the first corner but in the second corner I slipped and maked a startcrash. When I was starting my bike I was on almost the last place (39th) and started to advance in the race and when it was about 2 laps to go I was on the 5th place and was cutting in on the top four riders but did'nt reach them. The speaker said that it was the most amazing driving he had ever seen. But that are not making me to a winner but the fans like it. I'm quite happy with my competition and next competition are Swedish MX championship junior (ages between 16-20) in Uppsala 1Mile north of Stockholm.
Race Results
Date | Event | Class | Place |
Oct 14 2011 | Duells international Supercross and Freestyleshow | -- | |
Oct 9 2011 | Swedish pro Championship FINAL | -- | |
Oct 2 2011 | Swedish pro Championship | -- | |
Aug 28 2011 | Swedish pro Championship | -- | |
Aug 14 2011 | Swedish pro Championship | -- |