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Personal History

My name is Frankie DiGiovannantonio.  I've been riding for 6 years now and racing for 4.  I love motocross, it's my life! My other hobby is ice hockey, which I play during the off season to keep myself in good shape and because it's fun!  I am also on a workout program this year.  On the days that I don't have hockey practice or games, I run 10 minutes on the treadmill, then do 5000 non stop meters on a rowing machine.  After that, I do 50 reps with 8 pound weights, then go ride.

Riding Goals

For this year, my goals are to get in good shape and to place top 10 in all of my races on my 125.

Competitive Highlights

Last year, I placed top 3 in all of my races on my 85 besides 2 races where I had bike difficulties.  I also picked up alot of great sponsors.  Thanks everyone for giving me a great season and hopefully this one is just as good!