Rider Updates
Sep 19 2006
On the weekend of 9/17/06 I went racing at carnagie ohv park for rd. 3 of the AMP GFI series.It was an ok weekend.I ended up gettin 5th overall.The first moto my bike started cuttin out so I ended up finnishing like 16th.My second moto I got an ok start,and passed everyone accept for one person.But ended up getin arm pump and got fifth.
Sep 6 2006
Well Its the second week of school and I cant wait to start my weight training class.I start tomarrow so "B.T.P".(BRING THE PAIN)Time for training.
Sep 5 2006
Well,Its been a hard couple of months but I think my ankle is finally ready for a race.I've been goin out and riding and I feel really good on the bike.Its like I didn't even take any time off.I can't wait till my next race.Which might be the next amp gfi race at oatfield.