Personal History
I race dirtbikes. I love school and learning. I've been racing for a year in a half. I love hanging out with my family and going camping. I am outgoing and like meeting new people. I have been training with Ben Evans to improve my skills.
I have one younger brother that also races dirtbikes. I have a little sister that I am teaching to ride.
My really appreciate my mom and dad for supporting me for what I love doing, which is motocross racing.
Riding Goals
One of my upcoming goals is to beat my biggest competitor Broc Luddekee. To achieve this I am training with Ben Evans and am practicing really hard.
To get straight A's in school.
To improve with my endurance and fitness.
To help mom and dad with more chores around the house.
Competitive Highlights
When I placed 6th out of 22 riders at Rupert RMX series. I am currently first place in the Thunder Mountain series.
I placed first overall at Idaho supercross 2011.
My football teamates and coaches call me Mr. Consistent!!!! I am always in the game.
got third at idaho supercross 2012 and century link arena in supermini.