Personal History
I started riding in 1984 on an 1974 XR75 and I quickly moved to an 1981 IT175 where I started riding various events in Oregon. In 1986 I bought my first Kawasaki and it was a 1984 KX125 I continued racing. I joined the Navy in 1988, sold my KX125 and did not ride again until I bought a 1987 KX500 in 1993. I rode several Hare Scrables and WORCS races until 1997 when I sold the 1987 and bought an 1993 KX500 and was transferred with the Navy to Connecticut. I didn’t race again for a couple years until after I returned to the northwest. Most of my racing has been Hare Scrambles and Dessert events. In 2003 I bought my current bike and raced a few times, but due to my military commitments I unable to race for 7 years. I have recently been able to get back into racing and with that I started racing again in 2016. After not racing I decided to jump in with both feet and race round 1 GNCC 2016 and the VCHSS 2016 and 2017 season.
Riding Goals
Goals for 2018 is to win my class that i’m currently in 2nd place.
Competitive Highlights
2016 4th in class
2017 5th in class