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Personal History

Im 21 years old and im from a little town called speedsville. Speedsville is located in upper New York and its know for its stock car races and motorcycles racers. Ive been riding for 11 years now and ever sense I got my first bike ive been hooked. The series I run is (Wnyoa) Westren new york off road assosation. In 2004 and 2005 I won back to back championships in the mini A jr class and the Mini A sr class. In 2009 I won the 200 A class and Got bumped to the pro class. The first year I ran the pro class I ended up third overall and last year I was going for the overall championship running second in the points and got hurt four race before the end of the season. 

Riding Goals

My goals for this year are to stay healthy all year, ride smart and not get hurtand also to keep my bike well maintained. I feel with lots of practice and extra training will help me with my big goal which is winning the overall championship for Wnyoa.

Competitive Highlights

I won championships in 2004 and 2005 in the mini class. I also won 200 A in 2009 and in 2011 i got third overall in the pro class.