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Personal History

 My name is Colton A. Juarez and have been riding motorcycles since December of 1998 and racing them since July of 1999, from the start of motorcycle / racing career I have become a very proficient rider.


In my career as a motocross racer I have accomplished a lot and would like to accomplish more.  I have finished no lower than 4th in all of the local races that I have competed in. My greatest accomplishment at the national level to date is a 9th place finish at the world minis in Las Vegas 2003 and 7th overall at the Arizona Open in 2004. As for local Series I have won the Washington State Championship 3 years in row and several other local series.


I am very interested in continuing my race career and would like to go as far as possible and become a Pro Motocross Racer. In 2011 I plan qualifying for Loretta Lynns and Ponca City.



Riding Goals

I plan on racing as much as possible at as many of the local races, I also plan on racing the Spring Classic in Lake Whitney Texas, World Minis, and Qualifying for Loretta Lynns. I have moved to the B class in 2010 and plan on racing that class for most of 2011 and then turning Pro in Sept of 2011.

Competitive Highlights

SIR Friday Night Series                       1998 -2000             1st Place 65cc

Pacific NW Nationals                           1999-2002              1st Place 65cc

NW Arenacross Series                         1999-2000              1st Place 65cc

Washington State Championship         2001-2003              1st Place 65cc

World Minis                                       2003                      9th Place 65cc Mod

MXGP Series                                      2003                      1st Place 65cc

World Minis                                       2004                      22nd Place 85cc Stock

MXGP Series                                      2004                      1st Place 85cc / Supermini

Arizona Open                                    2004                       7th Place 85ss St

Moto Playground National                   2005                       1st Place 85stk / Supermini

Burntridge Series                               2007-2008               1st Place 125c / BTH C

Top Gun Team Shootout                    2009                       1st Place 450C / 3rd Place 250C

Top Gun Team Shootout                    2010                       6th Place 450B / 8th Place 250B