Personal History
I grew up riding but just for fun on the farm and in the hills. Did not have much growing up so I did not have a bike for about ten years. And I got a college football scholarship so I did not want to risk getting hurt. But after I graduated college I got a bike again and started racing and I can't stop its my stress releavor and adrenaline boost I crave.
Riding Goals
I started racing three years ago and went from dead last in c class to lower to mid B class. And I want to get to mid to top of A class. I want to be the best I can be in anything I do and won't stop till I get there. I ride 2-3 hours everyday training to make sure I get where I want to be
Competitive Highlights
I guess my highlights are just seeing how much I improve every year and every race. I don't like being in the back so I put in the time to reach my goals