Personal History
I raced when i was 7-10 in the 65 and 85 senior class then stopped riding after a bad crash. Came back this year on a 125 and love riding and racing and just having fun on my dirtbike. 20 year old having fun on his dirtbike. Racing has always been a family thing and i wanted to throw my leg back over again, and i did and couldnt be happier about it. I leave it all out on the track. If it isnt a 110% all the time on a bike i dont bother getting on it. Work and ride hard for the positions i want and to be where i want.
Riding Goals
I at least want to become a 250 A rider by next year. Im a 250 B rider working towards being a 250 A rider. Im pretty fast and i train and ride as much as possible. I can tell everytime i ride and so do my friends that i improve every time i ride. The improvements never end