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Feb 2 2008

Well Austin attempted to race his 65 this weekend at Eden Park in Sunbury Ohio. He's really got the motiviation to learn this bike, but he struggled with the loose dirt the track had. But I think everyone in general did. He and dad will go back to Anna, Ohio at OMA and work on some things. We were proud of him for trying and at least getting 3 of the laps in for the race before he just couldn't get that bike to stay started when trying to take off after it died on him. Better luck next time.

Jan 12 2008

Once again Austin has been spending time practicing at the indoor arena track in Anna, Ohio. Winter break from school allowed him to get in about 3 days worth of riding time. He's achieved the big jump they have in there that is straight up and loves it. He and his dad have been working on a double jump that he's gotten better on as well. One day of practicing he was out riding with the 250's and 450's which of course scared me as mom but his dad and I were impressed with how well he rode with them and didn't seem to be intimidated.

Jan 12 2008

Austin has been to 4 of the indoor series races put on by Matt Eastman. He's not doing too bad. He's learning how to accelerate in the tight corners in order to make the jumps. We've got just a couple more that we'll be attending for some seat time to prepare for the summer.

Jan 12 2008

Austin had a great season while doing the 2007 Fair Series in District 11 that is put on by Matt Eastman. We traveled all around Ohio to the different fairs attending 23/24 races. This allowed Austin lots of seat time and an overall finish of 3rd in the series.

Mar 30 2007

Austin and daddy have been putting in alot of practice time up in Anna Ohio at the indoor practice track and mommy hadn't seen him practice in a while, so I took some time off to go see him...WOW what an improvement with his turns, using the back brake and the jumps...I was totally impressed with him. Now we just need to get him to do that in the races...Sad news though, the practice track has closed due to financial reasons and Austin is really bummed about it. He loved it up there. We're hoping something can pull through for them and they can get it up and running again.

Mar 18 2007

2nd race of the season and it was another cold one....Track was a bit icy, but Austin had a real good practice on it....Then they went out and did some maintenance on it and apparently Austin didn't like it since the race did turn out so good....

Mar 11 2007

Well Austin had his first outdoor race of the season in the 7-8 class. Brrr it was cold and boy were those other boys fast...Took him to a District 12 race at Scenic Highlands in Newcomerstown Ohio. He looked good on his bike and did awesome controlling it in the mud. He finished 8th overall. We also entered him in the 4-8 open class just to get seat time and he finished 2nd overall. In general he's adjusting well to the SX 50, he just needs to work on using the throttle alot more.

Jan 10 2007

Austin has been putting in alot of practice time up in Anna Ohio at a new practice track(OMA). He practiced the entire weekend after Christmas starting on Friday from open to close with his starting lap being 40 seconds. By the time he was done Sunday he had his best lap of 28 seconds but was steady at around 30 seconds per lap.

Way to Go Austin...

Jan 10 2007

District 11 has finally posted their results for the year and Austin came in 9th for the season. This is pretty good considering his races mainly consisted of racing in the Fair Series sponsored by Matt Eastman.