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Personal History

I am a kindergarten teacher who loves to help encourage young children.  I am a social, outgoing person who likes to make new friends.  I am a person who puts dedication into things that are important to me such as my family, my job, and racing dirt bikes.  My favorite hobby is racing motocross.  I like put my best effort into winning and becoming a better rider, but the important part is that I am having fun while achieving these goals.  I workout year round by doing different types of cardio, lifting weights, and eating healthy.  I also enjoy other hobbies such as water skiing, downhill skiing, golfing, and teaching dance and gymnastics.  I really enjoying teaching dance and gymnastics because I love to see the children get so excited when they learn how to do something new.  I am a person who presents myself in a positive and responsible way.

Riding Goals

I am constantly setting new goals for myself as a racer.  When I go to a new track, I walk the track and decide what my goals are going to be for that day.  I do my best to accomplish them to have that great feeling of achievement.  When returning to track, I always set new goals.  I try new jumps and practice corner speed in corners that I may need improvement in.  My goals for this past year were to try and win the womens class and to finish in the top 10 of the 250C class.  Next year, my goals will be to win the womens class and finish in the top 7 of the 250C class.  My long term goal for riding motocross is to ride as long and to have fun!

Competitive Highlights

I have been racing for 3 years and have improved each year.  Listed below are my overall AMA District 14 Results along with results from the Vet Fest race at Red Bud in Michigan.

                                                2007                                       2008                                       2009

Women Senior                  7th                                           5th                                           1st

Vet Fest                               3rd                                           1st

250 C                                                                                     26th                                         22nd