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May 26 2012

I LOVE AGV! I had a good crash during my last Enduro, (D36 Sawmill Enduro, 7th in class). I had come up over a little rise at around mile 58, and didn't see the warning arrows!! On the other side of the rise was an 8 foot drop. I somehow flipped the bike and landed on my head with the bike on top of me in the brush. I made sure I was still in one peice, picked up the bike and finished out the race.
 My AGV AX-8 Evo saved me! I didn't realize by how much until just today.
 I just finished rebuilding the top end of the bike and today was the first I've been able to ride after the enduro. While packing and inspecting my gear, I realized how much impact the helmet absorbed. So far I've counted one major crack and five hairline cracks in the helmet shell. Each one of those could have been my head.
Thank you AGV for such a great product!!!

Mar 13 2012

Cocusion, fractured nose, left hand out of commision for awhile. Bike is banged up. Left fork leg smashed.

The guy gets all my information while I'm still loopy and out of it, then takes off and calls his insurance to try to go after me.

Meanwhile, I'm going to be around $10k+ in the hole even with insurance!!!!

Mar 10 2012

Dec 8 2011

2012 MSR Northern California Championship Enduro Series


Dec 6 2011

Well, Time to strip the bike down. She's a 2008 but runs better than new. Piston and valves are in good shape so don't need to worry about them right now. I am going to strip down the suspension to replace the seals, bushings ans fluid though. All new plastic and I think some new rims are in order. Just replaces most of the bearings mid season but I'll go through and check everthing.

ASV Levers


Motion Pro Cables

Vortex Sprockets

Computer needs to be replaced

New Loudmouth intake


I think I will install a new stator and a light kit for some night riding though.

What else...

Dec 4 2011

Well the 2011 season is over. In spite of the fact that I was out of work for a good portion of the year, then made a big move to a new city and a new job, I managed to get through most of the season completing a good portion ot the D36 enduro series.

With my new job in full swing, I'm getting my 2012 schedule filled in and my training for the new year is running smoothly. I've got an entire new enduro series to look ot for 2012 with the Western Checkpoint Series running through three states. Hope I can make most of them!

I'm looking forward to working with my newest sponsors for 2012! I know that I will utilizing these great product to the best of my ability.

Cant wait to get this newest season rolling!

Dec 4 2011

Well the 2011 season is over. In spite of the fact that I was out of work for a good portion of the year, then made a big move to a new city and a new job, I managed to get through most of the season completing a good portion ot the D36 enduro series.

With my new job in full swing, I'm getting my 2012 schedule filled in and my training for the new year is running smoothly. I've got an entire new enduro series to look ot for 2012 with the Western Checkpoint Series running through three states. Hope I can make most of them!

I'm looking forward to working with my newest sponsors for 2012! I know that I will utilizing these great product to the best of my ability.

Cant wait to get this newest season rolling!

Jan 24 2011

111-MarD36 - Wild Boar EnduroTBD 
21-AprD36 - Sawmill EnduroLakeport, Ca 
36-MayD36 - Fools Gold EnduroGeorgetown, ca 
419-MayD36/D37 - Gorman QualifierGorman, CA 
520-MayD36/D37 - Gorman QualifierGorman, CA 
67-OctD36 - Wild Horse EnduroUSA Parkway, Reno, NV 
721-OctD36 - Jackhammer EnduroFouts Springs, ca 
828-OctD36 - 49'er EnduroElkins Flat, CA 
93-NovD36 - Cowbell EnduroMiddle Creek, Upper Lake, CA 

213-FebD36 - OasisOasis Raceway, Williams, CA 
320-FebD36 - Charlotte Gomes Memorial - Picacho Creek National HS22201 Coalinga Road, Paicines, CA 95043 
413-MarD36 - E StreetE St, Marysville, CA 
519-MarD36 - Phantom Hare ScramblesHollister OHV, Hollister, CA 
627-MarD36/MRANN - Pony Soldier Hare & HoundToulon, NV 
717-AprD36 - Shasta GP - National HSShasta Chappie OHVA, Shasta Lake, CA 
84-SepD36 - E-St at Donner Ski RanchDonner Ski Ranch, CA 
918-SepD36 - Outlaw National Hare ScramblesCow Mountain, Lake Port, CA 

Nov 16 2010

Sep 21 2010