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Personal History

racing motocross is my passion and my life. its literally all that I can think about! know matter how hard the crash is I will always get back up and want to finish. my dream is to be a womens pro motocross/ supercross racer. I just started to race in 2014 and every race I work on placing higher and higher my favorite class to race in is mini open. my dad and some of his friends built a big track in part of our pasture and it is part motocross and part supercross in it I love it so much! I go out there all the time which is mostly every night and practice on it because practice makes perfect and I want to perfect!!!!! motocross is my life

Riding Goals

My riding goals are to make my moto family and sponsor proud and ride my best and hardest always and never give up no matter how hard to wreck and always be fearless.. I am pushing myself to be the best . my biggest goal is to be a pro woman racer before I am 20 years old! I know that in the end God will be by my side and he has a plan for me.