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Personal History

I started to ride dirt bikes when I was about 15 years old, and started racing shortly after that. It took me me many years to talk my parents into buying me a bike, they were all caught up in the injury side of things. Once they did allow me to get one I was hooked the moment I threw my leg over the seat. I haven’t been able to focus on anything since that moment. To me it has all been about dirt bikes, dirt bikes, and dirt bikes. My first race I ended up get a overall of third place, I was over the moon excited. Then that next year, since I went to my first race at the end of the season, I decided to just go to the local races and have fun. Soon that all changed, my first race of the season my 2003 Kx125 died on the start, granted she runs good for all the hours she has, and I was clear back in the pack but I fought my way all the way up to second without knowing it until I can off the track and my mom had the biggest grin on her face and I had no idea that I put in the fastest lap time of that Moto. So after that we were going to be hitting all the races in the circuit and go for the championship, I lost it by five points but I still had a blast! So going into the 2017 season I put a lot of pressure on myself to go out and win the championship since I knew that I had it in me and many other people knew it to. I got to race the first to races of the season until I suffered a major injury to all three of my major hip muscles while at a summer basketball camp. That put a big wrench in the plan. But this year is going to make up for it! I have no family background of Motocross, only of stock car racing but I have a friend that I train with on the weekends and most weekdays in the weightroom or on the bike who has helped me out a lot.

Riding Goals

My goal as of now is to compete in the 2018 Tri-State Dirt Riders motocross circuit for the Women’s Championship and to place in the top 5 of the Vet Class. This is the most financially affordable circuit that I will be able to race. I know that if we had the money we would try to race the RMXA circuit also. If I got the opportunity to go to a Loretta Lynn’s Area Qualifier I know that I would do everything I could to make it to Regionals. That is my overall goal is to make it to the ranch and compete. Right now one of our biggest setbacks is that we simply don’t have the money. I have this image carved into my head to be able to train and race year round, living in Nebraska that is impossible. I wish that I could go at stay at The Edge Training Facility and work with those guys and make a name for myself, that would make me the happiest person ever. I know that my parents are doing everything that they can, and that means the world to me but to be able to go and stay, train, and race for a team is my ultimate dream. I am willing to do whatever it take to make my name known and become one of the best.

Competitive Highlights

Second place in the 2017 TSDR series

Raced at Ponca City, Oklahoma in October