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Personal History

My name is Brandon, I have 4 kids 3 boys and 1 girl, and an incredible girl friend ( hopefully wife soon) we all ride dirt bikes and my kids can't stay off of their stacycs. I have been riding since I was 3 years old, mostly desert riding and some tracks here and there. I currently do some long distance rides with friends and desert, and track riding with my kids. Riding is definitely our lifestyle. 

Riding Goals

I ride because it's always pure happiness. And riding with my kids has brought on a whole new joy. I plan on doing some desert races and getting my kids into some stacyc races along with starting them off on racing dirt bikes. 

Competitive Highlights

I have been in many different sports from ball sports and always making Allstars, to bmx and racing all over the country and racing desert races all over California.