Personal History
My name is Bodee O'Neil. I am currently 12 yrs old. I I live in Hager City Wisconsin with my Mom (Julie) and Dad (Corey) on our small family farm. We have chickens, horses and a dog and cat. My dad made a dirt bike track in one of our fields so I can practice. I also like to play football with friends, ride my pedal bike and go fishing whenever I can!
I began riding dirt bike at age 3 1/2. My first bike Honda 50 came with training wheels! At age 4 I competed in my first hillclimb. I was hooked! I couldn't wait to ride up a hill again.
Riding Goals
Riding goals: Never to give up!
Keep practicing to achieve great goals. Goals: To ride my 250 next year and get in the top 5.
I know I need to gain more strength in my arms and core. My mom has me lifting weights to gain more muscle.
Competitive Highlights
I have been very fortune to have some great racing wins/accomplishments!
6 time National Champ
13 time MN/WI District Champ
4 time High Points Winner