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Personal History

I got my first bike in June 2020 a Suzuki RM125. It was my first bike ever so learning how to ride it was almost certainly a learning curve. I got my bike because a good buddy of mine races and I saw how much fun it was and how competitive it was. I then decided I wanted to race as well i figured it would be good for me because I am very competitive. So I went to my first Real race I enjoyed it a lot and realized I was going to have to put in some work. That showed me to work hard if I want to get better, therefore, I started practicing more and I saw improvement. I know I have a long way to go but I feel I have made some great improvement over the past few months, but still need a lot of work.

Riding Goals

I want to improve my riding abilities to the best. I want to be able to have good control while improving lap times and having more speed on turns and other features. I would also like to race at some huge events and go to different tracks around the United States. I hope to one day be known by some people as a pretty good rider.