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angela lopez

angela lopez

Age 37
Location phoenix, AZ, US
Rider # 467
Site Rank 22530
My Link
Classes Motocross

Rider Updates

just want to keep everyone updated. about a month ago i went with a friend of mine to the desert to do some dersert riding and everything was going well with this jump i was hitting all day with the other guys out there. the last time i hit the jump i took off fine but the wind blew me to far left and my frent end washed out on the landing of the jump and i slammed into the ground. i laid the for about 20min because i could not move, i thought i had broken my legs. when i opened my eyes i couldnt see anything because it was so so bright and i couldnt hold my eyes open. i couldnt not get up, stand or even just sit up, i was so weak. i just felt like passing out. after about a hour i could stand up, but i was still very dizzy, nausous, and unstable. i had hit extremely hard, my head and my right hip took alot of the impact. one of the guys rode me back over to the truck where i laid there and rested till i came to. as of now, i had broken blood vessels in my hip causing it to fill up with blood and i had to have it drained twice and i have to go back a third time. im doing better and i have since been back on my bike and practicing and getting ready for my upcoming race. thank you all for ready and thank u for your time. wish me well. again thank u

Race Results

Date Event Class Place
May 17 2008 Arizona Championship Open --
Apr 24 2008 Arizona Championship Open --
Mar 8 2008 Arizona Championship Open --
Jan 26 2008 Arizona Championship Open --
Jan 5 2008 Arizona Championship Open --


Date Event

