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Personal History

Hello all!!

My name is Alex Lee. I am a 26 year old engineer living in Medicine Hat Alberta and I have been riding for about 2 years. I was fist introduced to motocross by my future husband and I have been hooked ever since. I grew up playing ice hockey and needed something to fill the gap after my university hockey career was over. I instantly fell in love with motocross, I love the challenge and the competition, and the people I meet going to races. I used to think hockey players were tough, but I can tell you motocross riders are WAY tougher. 

Right now I ride a 2013 KTM 250 sxf. I ride the ladies and beginner classes at motocross races and I am hoping to add a third class to get more racing time. 

I dream one day of building my own track in one of Alberta's beautiful river valleys.

Riding Goals

I would like to finish in the top ten at a women's national event in 2016.

I would also like to move up from beginner to junior during 2016.

Competitive Highlights

Raced at the Canadian Women's national in Calgary, I did not get the results I wanted after crashing in both moto's but it was a great learning experience.

I also had the opportunity to ride some cross country on my last vacation to Bali which was a fun introduction to non-track riding.