Rider Updates
Jan 2 2020
My 2019 motocross season did not turn out as I expected. As a first time father I was blessed with an amazing motocross season- spent mostly with my son.
While I had big aspirations to up my level of racing in my 2nd season back, it did not go exactly as planned. I did ride a lot, however, I didn't make nearly as many races as I expected.
I am pumped for the 2020 season because I know you'll see me at a lot more races. I am working on my fitness now and will at the indoor tracks regularly over the winter.
Feb 2 2019
Made two trips to some indoor riding facilities to try and keep in shape this winter. Hit up the Sandbox up near Minneapolis MN and also Megatraxs in IL. Planning on getting back down to Megatrax next weekend to keep dialing in my Southeast Sales Powersports 2019 CRF405R and keep myself in shape!